Currently, I'm working on about several separate projects, all of which, surprisingly, are for me! I therefore am lagging behind in completing (or making real headway) in any of them. So, here's a list of what I'm currently crafting, or am meant to be crafting:
1. H.M.S. Victory model
This plastic model kit is one I bought for myself at Christmas with some Christmas money. It's been out of its box and occupying this coffee table since the very beginning of January. This is my weekend project at the moment as I don't find the light good enough in the evenings (even with a table lamp) so it's taking a pretty long time. I'm really looking forward to having this one finished (hopefully soonish) as it takes up a whole table! There are pretty much just the masts and sails left to do though so I'm hoping I'll have it done before too long.
2. 'Sampler des 4 saisons' cross-stitch
This is a cross-stitch I started back in March of last year, and has been packaged away until now, and blogged about here. I've been working on this again for about two weeks now, and am nearing completion of the middle section of the design. After that there'll just be the two borders to do. I'm currently finding that this is an excellent evening craft as it doesn't stop me watching TV and is also something I can do even with cold hands!
3. Hexagon quilt
As mentioned here, I'm intending on making a hexagon quilt, and as this is the craft I've most recently decided to do, it's the one I'm most excited about! So far, I've just decided on making the hexagons 7/8" and have printed out 480 little hexagons on regular printer paper. They now all need cutting out before I can start making the fabric hexagons so this is something I've been doing some evenings when I haven't felt like cross-stitching. I've done about half of the hexagons so far, and have been placing them in an origami box that I made from the box for my H.M.S. Victory model so it's nice and sturdy. This is taking a fair while, and it probably should be the last craft on my list, but I'm too excited about getting properly started on it!
4. Knitted Whippet
Like the pug I made in December (see here), this is a dog that I'm knitting for my friend (well, actually, her Mum). I haven't yet started this project, but have recently bought the wool. The whippet I will make was requested to be completely mink coloured, so that makes it easier in terms of the knitting as I won't need to change colour. This project doesn't need to be finished until mid-April so it's not particularly urgent and therefore I'll get to it at some point.
5. Knitted English Bull Terrier
Again, this knitted dog is for the same friend who wants the whippet, and is even less urgent as she doesn't need it completed until the summer (i.e. July). Again, I've recently bought the wool (at the same time as for the whippet), and will start it once I've at least finished the other knitted dog.
So, there you have my current craft list. I'm pretty excited about each of the projects (which helps), and they're keeping me plenty busy! I'll keep you posted about how each of them goes; I just don't know how long they will take!