In From Little Acorns I introduced you to our little oak trees. We successfully managed to get them back to England in our little car when we came back last week. Then it was time to pot them up after a little trip to the garden centre.
We bought five 40 x 40 cm terracotta plant pots which we figured would be big enough to keep our trees in for a good while. We also bought three different types of compost to mix together after asking for advice at said garden centre.
Firstly we mixed our compost, using a wheelbarrow, to make sure it was evenly distributed.
After adding some broken pieces of clay pots to the bottom of each plant pot for drainage, in went the compost.
Then it was time to repot the little oaks. Some of them had surprisingly impressive root systems and all seemed pretty healthy.
To help us keep track of each trees progress, we numbered the plant pots and then placed them in an out of the way place.
Now it's just time to watch them (hopefully) grow!